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β›… Optional Packages

Most of the examples included within trulens require additional packages not installed alongside trulens. You may be prompted to install them (with pip). The requirements file trulens/requirements.optional.txt contains the list of optional packages and their use if you'd like to install them all in one go.

Dev Notes

To handle optional packages and provide clearer instructions to the user, we employ a context-manager-based scheme (see utils/ to import packages that may not be installed. The basic form of such imports can be seen in

with OptionalImports(messages=REQUIREMENT_LLAMA):
    from trulens.apps.llamaindex import TruLlama

This makes it so that TruLlama gets defined subsequently even if the import fails (because tru_llama imports llama_index which may not be installed). However, if the user imports TruLlama (via and tries to use it (call it, look up attribute, etc), the will be presented a message telling them that llama-index is optional and how to install it:

llama-index package is required for instrumenting llama_index apps.
You should be able to install it with pip:

    pip install "llama-index>=v0.9.14.post3"

If a user imports directly from TruLlama (not by way of, they will get that message immediately instead of upon use due to this line inside


This checks that the optional import system did not return a replacement for llama_index (under a context manager earlier in the file).

If used in conjunction, the optional imports context manager and assert_installed check can be simplified by storing a reference to to the OptionalImports instance which is returned by the context manager entrance:

with OptionalImports(messages=REQUIREMENT_LLAMA) as opt:
    import llama_index


assert_installed also returns the OptionalImports instance on success so assertions can be chained:

# or
opt.assert_installed[[package1, package2]]

When to Fail

As per above implied, imports from a general package that does not imply an optional package (like from trulens ...) should not produce the error immediately but imports from packages that do imply the use of optional import ( should.