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API Reference

Welcome to the TruLens API Reference! Use the search and navigation to explore the various modules and classes available in the TruLens library.

Required and πŸ“¦ Optional packages

These packages are installed when installing the main trulens package.

  • trulens-core installs core.

  • trulens-feedback installs feedback.

  • trulens-dashboard installs dashboard.

  • trulens_eval installs trulens_eval, a temporary package for backwards compatibility.

Three categories of optional packages contain integrations with 3rd party app types and providers:

  • Apps for instrumenting apps.

    • πŸ“¦ TruChain in package trulens-apps-langchain for instrumenting LangChain apps.

    • πŸ“¦ TruLlama in package trulens-app-trullama for instrumenting LlamaIndex apps.

    • πŸ“¦ TruRails in package trulens-app-nemo for instrumenting NeMo Guardrails apps.

  • Providers for invoking various models or using them for feedback functions.

    • πŸ“¦ Cortex in the package trulens-providers-cortex for using Snowflake Cortex models.

    • πŸ“¦ Langchain in the package trulens-providers-langchain for using models via Langchain.

    • πŸ“¦ Bedrock in the package trulens-providers-bedrock for using Amazon Bedrock models.

    • πŸ“¦ Huggingface and HuggingfaceLocal in the package trulens-providers-huggingface for using Huggingface models.

    • πŸ“¦ LiteLLM in the package trulens-providers-litellm for using models via LiteLLM.

    • πŸ“¦ OpenAI and AzureOpenAI in the package trulens-providers-openai for using OpenAI models.

  • Connectors for storing TruLens data.

    • πŸ“¦ SnowflakeConnector in package trulens-connectors-snowlake for connecting to Snowflake databases.

Other optional packages:

  • πŸ“¦ Benchmark in package trulens-benchmark for running benchmarks and meta evaluations.

Private API

Module members which begin with an underscore _ are private are should not be used by code outside of TruLens.

Module members which begin but not end with double underscore __ are class/module private and should not be used outside of the defining module or class.


There is no deprecation period for the private API.