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Serializable Classes

Note: Only put classes which can be serialized in this module.

Classes with non-serializable variants

Many of the classes defined here extending serial.SerialModel are meant to be serialized into json. Most are extended with non-serialized fields in other files.

Serializable Non-serializable
AppDefinition App, Tru{Chain, Llama, ...}
FeedbackDefinition Feedback is the JSON-ized version of a wrapped app while is the actual wrapped app. We can thus inspect the contents of a wrapped app without having to construct it. Additionally, JSONized objects like feature information about the encoded object types in the dictionary under the core/utils/ key.



Bases: WithClassInfo, SerialModel

Serialized fields of an app here whereas App contains non-serialized fields.

tru_class_info instance-attribute
tru_class_info: Class

Class information of this pydantic object for use in deserialization.

Using this odd key to not pollute attribute names in whatever class we mix this into. Should be the same as CLASS_INFO.

app_id class-attribute instance-attribute
app_id: AppID = Field(frozen=True)

Unique identifier for this app.

Computed deterministically from app_name and app_version. Leaving it here for it to be dumped when serializing. Also making it read-only as it should not be changed after creation.

app_name instance-attribute
app_name: AppName

Name for this app. Default is "default_app".

app_version instance-attribute
app_version: AppVersion

Version tag for this app. Default is "base".

tags instance-attribute
tags: Tags = tags

Tags for the app.

metadata instance-attribute
metadata: Metadata

Metadata for the app.

feedback_definitions class-attribute instance-attribute
feedback_definitions: Sequence[FeedbackDefinitionID] = []

Feedback functions to evaluate on each record.

feedback_mode class-attribute instance-attribute
feedback_mode: FeedbackMode = WITH_APP_THREAD

How to evaluate feedback functions upon producing a record.

record_ingest_mode instance-attribute
record_ingest_mode: RecordIngestMode = record_ingest_mode

Mode of records ingestion.

root_class instance-attribute
root_class: Class

Class of the main instrumented object.

Ideally this would be a ClassVar but since we want to check this without instantiating the subclass of AppDefinition that would define it, we cannot use ClassVar.

root_callable class-attribute
root_callable: FunctionOrMethod

App's main method.

This is to be filled in by subclass.

app instance-attribute

Wrapped app in jsonized form.

initial_app_loader_dump class-attribute instance-attribute
initial_app_loader_dump: Optional[SerialBytes] = None

Serialization of a function that loads an app.

Dump is of the initial app state before any invocations. This can be used to create a new session.


Experimental work in progress.

app_extra_json instance-attribute
app_extra_json: JSON

Info to store about the app and to display in dashboard.

This can be used even if app itself cannot be serialized. app_extra_json, then, can stand in place for whatever data the user might want to keep track of about the app.

__rich_repr__() -> Result

Requirement for pretty printing using the rich package.

load staticmethod
load(obj, *args, **kwargs)

Deserialize/load this object using the class information in tru_class_info to lookup the actual class that will do the deserialization.

model_validate classmethod
model_validate(*args, **kwargs) -> Any

Deserialized a jsonized version of the app into the instance of the class it was serialized from.


This process uses extra information stored in the jsonized object and handled by WithClassInfo.

continue_session staticmethod
    app_definition_json: JSON, app: Any
) -> AppDefinition

Instantiate the given app with the given state app_definition_json.


This is an experimental feature with ongoing work.


The json serialized app.



The app to continue the session with.



A new AppDefinition instance with the given app and the given app_definition_json state.

new_session staticmethod
    app_definition_json: JSON,
    initial_app_loader: Optional[Callable] = None,
) -> AppDefinition

Create an app instance at the start of a session.


This is an experimental feature with ongoing work.

Create a copy of the json serialized app with the enclosed app being initialized to its initial state before any records are produced (i.e. blank memory).

_submit_feedback_functions staticmethod
    record: Record,
    feedback_functions: Sequence[Feedback],
    connector: DBConnector,
    app: Optional[AppDefinition] = None,
    on_done: Optional[
            [Union[FeedbackResult, Future[FeedbackResult]]],
    ] = None,
) -> List[Tuple[Feedback, Future[FeedbackResult]]]

Schedules to run the given feedback functions.


The record on which to evaluate the feedback functions.

TYPE: Record


A collection of feedback functions to evaluate.

TYPE: Sequence[Feedback]


The database connector to use.

TYPE: DBConnector


The app that produced the given record. If not provided, it is looked up from the database of this TruSession instance

TYPE: Optional[AppDefinition] DEFAULT: None


A callback to call when each feedback function is done.

TYPE: Optional[Callable[[Union[FeedbackResult, Future[FeedbackResult]]], None]] DEFAULT: None


List[Tuple[Feedback, Future[FeedbackResult]]]

Produces a list of tuples where the first item in each tuple is the
feedback function and the second is the future of the feedback result.
get_loadable_apps staticmethod

Gets a list of all of the loadable apps.


This is an experimental feature with ongoing work.

This is those that have initial_app_loader_dump set.

select_inputs classmethod
select_inputs() -> Lens

Get the path to the main app's call inputs.

select_outputs classmethod
select_outputs() -> Lens

Get the path to the main app's call outputs.


Bases: SerialModel, Hashable

The class that holds the metadata of a dataset stored in the DB.

dataset_id instance-attribute
dataset_id: DatasetID = dataset_id

The unique identifier for the dataset.

name instance-attribute
name: str

The name of the dataset.

meta instance-attribute
meta: Metadata

Metadata associated with the dataset.

__rich_repr__() -> Result

Requirement for pretty printing using the rich package.


Bases: WithClassInfo, SerialModel, Hashable

Serialized parts of a feedback function.

The non-serialized parts are in the Feedback class.

tru_class_info instance-attribute
tru_class_info: Class

Class information of this pydantic object for use in deserialization.

Using this odd key to not pollute attribute names in whatever class we mix this into. Should be the same as CLASS_INFO.

implementation class-attribute instance-attribute
implementation: Optional[Union[Function, Method]] = None

Implementation serialization.

aggregator class-attribute instance-attribute
aggregator: Optional[Union[Function, Method]] = None

Aggregator method serialization.

examples class-attribute instance-attribute
examples: Optional[List[Tuple]] = None

User supplied examples for this feedback function.

criteria class-attribute instance-attribute
criteria: Optional[str] = None

Criteria for the feedback function.

combinations class-attribute instance-attribute

Mode of combining selected values to produce arguments to each feedback function call.

feedback_definition_id instance-attribute
feedback_definition_id: FeedbackDefinitionID = (

Id, if not given, uniquely determined from content.

if_exists class-attribute instance-attribute
if_exists: Optional[Lens] = None

Only execute the feedback function if the following selector names something that exists in a record/app.

Can use this to evaluate conditionally on presence of some calls, for example. Feedbacks skipped this way will have a status of FeedbackResultStatus.SKIPPED.

if_missing class-attribute instance-attribute

How to handle missing parameters in feedback function calls.

run_location instance-attribute

Where the feedback evaluation takes place (e.g. locally, at a Snowflake server, etc).

selectors instance-attribute
selectors: Dict[str, Lens]

Selectors; pointers into Records of where to get arguments for imp.

supplied_name class-attribute instance-attribute
supplied_name: Optional[str] = None

An optional name. Only will affect displayed tables.

higher_is_better class-attribute instance-attribute
higher_is_better: Optional[bool] = None

Feedback result magnitude interpretation.

name property
name: str

Name of the feedback function.

Derived from the name of the serialized implementation function if name was not provided.

__rich_repr__() -> Result

Requirement for pretty printing using the rich package.

load staticmethod
load(obj, *args, **kwargs)

Deserialize/load this object using the class information in tru_class_info to lookup the actual class that will do the deserialization.

model_validate classmethod
model_validate(*args, **kwargs) -> Any

Deserialized a jsonized version of the app into the instance of the class it was serialized from.


This process uses extra information stored in the jsonized object and handled by WithClassInfo.


Bases: str, Enum

Mode of feedback evaluation.

Specify this using the feedback_mode to App constructors.


This class extends str to allow users to compare its values with their string representations, i.e. in if mode == "none": .... Internal uses should use the enum instances.

NONE class-attribute instance-attribute
NONE = 'none'

No evaluation will happen even if feedback functions are specified.

WITH_APP class-attribute instance-attribute
WITH_APP = 'with_app'

Try to run feedback functions immediately and before app returns a record.

WITH_APP_THREAD class-attribute instance-attribute
WITH_APP_THREAD = 'with_app_thread'

Try to run feedback functions in the same process as the app but after it produces a record.

DEFERRED class-attribute instance-attribute
DEFERRED = 'deferred'

Evaluate later via the process started by TruSession.start_deferred_feedback_evaluator.


Bases: SerialModel

Feedback results for a single Feedback instance.

This might involve multiple feedback function calls. Typically you should not be constructing these objects yourself except for the cases where you'd like to log human feedback.


Unique identifier for this result.

TYPE: FeedbackResultID


Record over which the feedback was evaluated.

TYPE: RecordID


The id of the FeedbackDefinition which was evaluated to get this result.

TYPE: Optional[FeedbackDefinitionID]


Last timestamp involved in the evaluation.

TYPE: datetime


For deferred feedback evaluation, the status of the evaluation.

TYPE: FeedbackResultStatus


Cost of the evaluation.

TYPE: Cost


Given name of the feedback.

TYPE: str


Individual feedback function invocations.

TYPE: List[FeedbackCall]


Final result, potentially aggregating multiple calls.

TYPE: Optional[float]


Error information if there was an error.

TYPE: Optional[str]



TYPE: Optional[str]

status class-attribute instance-attribute

For deferred feedback evaluation, the status of the evaluation.

__rich_repr__() -> Result

Requirement for pretty printing using the rich package.


Bases: SerialModel, Hashable

The class that represents a single ground truth data entry.

ground_truth_id instance-attribute
ground_truth_id: GroundTruthID = ground_truth_id

The unique identifier for the ground truth.

query instance-attribute
query: str

The query for which the ground truth is provided.

query_id class-attribute instance-attribute
query_id: Optional[str] = None

Unique identifier for the query.

expected_response class-attribute instance-attribute
expected_response: Optional[str] = None

The expected response for the query.

expected_chunks class-attribute instance-attribute
expected_chunks: Optional[Sequence[Dict]] = None

Expected chunks for the ground truth.

meta class-attribute instance-attribute
meta: Optional[Metadata] = None

Metadata for the ground truth.

dataset_id instance-attribute
dataset_id: DatasetID

The dataset ID to which this ground truth belongs. See Dataset.dataset_id.

__rich_repr__() -> Result

Requirement for pretty printing using the rich package.


Bases: SerialModel, Hashable

The record of a single main method call.


This class will be renamed to Trace in the future.

record_id instance-attribute
record_id: RecordID = record_id

Unique identifier for this record.

app_id instance-attribute
app_id: AppID

The app that produced this record.

cost class-attribute instance-attribute
cost: Optional[Cost] = None

Costs associated with the record.

perf class-attribute instance-attribute
perf: Optional[Perf] = None

Performance information.

ts class-attribute instance-attribute
ts: datetime = Field(default_factory=now)

Timestamp of last update.

This is usually set whenever a record is changed in any way.

tags class-attribute instance-attribute
tags: Optional[str] = ''

Tags for the record.

meta class-attribute instance-attribute
meta: Optional[JSON] = None

Metadata for the record.

main_input class-attribute instance-attribute
main_input: Optional[JSON] = None

The app's main input.

main_output class-attribute instance-attribute
main_output: Optional[JSON] = None

The app's main output if there was no error.

main_error class-attribute instance-attribute
main_error: Optional[JSON] = None

The app's main error if there was an error.

calls class-attribute instance-attribute
calls: List[RecordAppCall] = []

The collection of calls recorded.

Note that these can be converted into a json structure with the same paths as the app that generated this record via layout_calls_as_app.

Invariant: calls are ordered by .perf.end_time.

feedback_and_future_results class-attribute instance-attribute
feedback_and_future_results: Optional[
    List[Tuple[FeedbackDefinition, Future[FeedbackResult]]]
] = Field(None, exclude=True)

Map of feedbacks to the futures for of their results.

These are only filled for records that were just produced. This will not be filled in when read from database. Also, will not fill in when using FeedbackMode.DEFERRED.

feedback_results class-attribute instance-attribute
feedback_results: Optional[List[Future[FeedbackResult]]] = (
    Field(None, exclude=True)

Only the futures part of the above for backwards compatibility.

feedback_results_as_completed property
feedback_results_as_completed: Iterable[FeedbackResult]

Generate feedback results as they are completed.

Wraps feedback_results in as_completed.

__rich_repr__() -> Result

Requirement for pretty printing using the rich package.

    feedback_timeout: Optional[float] = None,
) -> Dict[FeedbackDefinition, FeedbackResult]

Wait for feedback results to finish.


Timeout in seconds for each feedback function. If not given, will use the default timeout trulens.core.utils.threading.TP.DEBUG_TIMEOUT.

TYPE: Optional[float] DEFAULT: None

Dict[FeedbackDefinition, FeedbackResult]

A mapping of feedback functions to their results.

get(path: Lens) -> Optional[T]

Get a value from the record using a path.


Path to the value.

TYPE: Lens

layout_calls_as_app() -> Munch

Layout the calls in this record into the structure that follows that of the app that created this record.

This uses the paths stored in each RecordAppCall which are paths into the app.

Note: We cannot create a validated AppDefinition class (or subclass) object here as the layout of records differ in these ways:

  • Records do not include anything that is not an instrumented method hence have most of the structure of a app missing.

  • Records have RecordAppCall as their leafs where method definitions would be in the AppDefinition structure.


Utilities for creating selectors using Lens and aliases/shortcuts.

Tru class-attribute instance-attribute
Tru: Lens = Lens()

Selector for the tru wrapper (TruLlama, TruChain, etc.).

Record class-attribute instance-attribute
Record: Lens = __record__

Selector for the record.

App class-attribute instance-attribute
App: Lens = __app__

Selector for the app.

RecordInput class-attribute instance-attribute
RecordInput: Lens = main_input

Selector for the main app input.

RecordOutput class-attribute instance-attribute
RecordOutput: Lens = main_output

Selector for the main app output.

RecordCalls class-attribute instance-attribute
RecordCalls: Lens = app

Selector for the calls made by the wrapped app.

Laid out by path into components.

RecordCall class-attribute instance-attribute
RecordCall: Lens = calls[-1]

Selector for the first called method (last to return).

RecordArgs class-attribute instance-attribute
RecordArgs: Lens = args

Selector for the whole set of inputs/arguments to the first called / last method call.

RecordRets class-attribute instance-attribute
RecordRets: Lens = rets

Selector for the whole output of the first called / last returned method call.

_PREFIXES class-attribute instance-attribute
    ("Select.RecordInput", RecordInput),
    ("Select.RecordOutput", RecordOutput),
    ("Select.RecordArgs", RecordArgs),
    ("Select.RecordRets", RecordRets),
    ("Select.RecordCalls", RecordCalls),
    ("Select.RecordCall", RecordCall),
    ("Select.Record", Record),
    ("Select.App", App),

All prefixes/shorthands defined in this class.

Make sure this list is sorted by longest prefix first as some prefixes are prefixes of others.

path_and_method staticmethod
path_and_method(select: Lens) -> Tuple[Lens, str]

If select names in method as the last attribute, extract the method name and the selector without the final method name.

dequalify staticmethod
dequalify(lens: Lens) -> Lens

If the given selector qualifies record or app, remove that qualification.

context staticmethod
context(app: Optional[Any] = None) -> Lens

DEPRECATED: Select the context (retrieval step outputs) of the given app.

for_record staticmethod
for_record(lens: Lens) -> Lens

Add the Record prefix to the beginning of the given lens.

for_app staticmethod
for_app(lens: Lens) -> Lens

Add the App prefix to the beginning of the given lens.

render_for_dashboard staticmethod
render_for_dashboard(lens: Lens) -> str

Render the given lens for use in dashboard to help user specify feedback functions.