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Serializable app-related classes.



Bases: str, Enum

Mode of records ingestion.

Specify this using the ingest_mode to App constructors.

IMMEDIATE class-attribute instance-attribute
IMMEDIATE = 'immediate'

Each record is ingested one by one and written to the database. This is the default mode.

BUFFERED class-attribute instance-attribute
BUFFERED = 'buffered'

Records are buffered and ingested in batches to the database.


Bases: WithClassInfo, SerialModel

Serialized fields of an app here whereas App contains non-serialized fields.

tru_class_info instance-attribute
tru_class_info: Class

Class information of this pydantic object for use in deserialization.

Using this odd key to not pollute attribute names in whatever class we mix this into. Should be the same as CLASS_INFO.

app_id class-attribute instance-attribute
app_id: AppID = Field(frozen=True)

Unique identifier for this app.

Computed deterministically from app_name and app_version. Leaving it here for it to be dumped when serializing. Also making it read-only as it should not be changed after creation.

app_name instance-attribute
app_name: AppName

Name for this app. Default is "default_app".

app_version instance-attribute
app_version: AppVersion

Version tag for this app. Default is "base".

metadata instance-attribute
metadata: Metadata

Metadata for the app.

feedback_definitions class-attribute instance-attribute
feedback_definitions: Sequence[FeedbackDefinitionID] = []

Feedback functions to evaluate on each record.

feedback_mode class-attribute instance-attribute
feedback_mode: FeedbackMode = WITH_APP_THREAD

How to evaluate feedback functions upon producing a record.

root_class instance-attribute
root_class: Class

Class of the main instrumented object.

Ideally this would be a ClassVar but since we want to check this without instantiating the subclass of AppDefinition that would define it, we cannot use ClassVar.

root_callable class-attribute
root_callable: FunctionOrMethod

App's main method.

This is to be filled in by subclass.

app instance-attribute

Wrapped app in jsonized form.

initial_app_loader_dump class-attribute instance-attribute
initial_app_loader_dump: Optional[SerialBytes] = None

Serialization of a function that loads an app.

Dump is of the initial app state before any invocations. This can be used to create a new session.


Experimental work in progress.

app_extra_json instance-attribute
app_extra_json: JSON

Info to store about the app and to display in dashboard.

This can be used even if app itself cannot be serialized. app_extra_json, then, can stand in place for whatever data the user might want to keep track of about the app.

record_ingest_mode instance-attribute
record_ingest_mode: RecordIngestMode = record_ingest_mode

Mode of records ingestion.

tags instance-attribute
tags: Tags = tags

Tags for the app.

__rich_repr__() -> Result

Requirement for pretty printing using the rich package.

load staticmethod
load(obj, *args, **kwargs)

Deserialize/load this object using the class information in tru_class_info to lookup the actual class that will do the deserialization.

model_validate classmethod
model_validate(*args, **kwargs) -> Any

Deserialized a jsonized version of the app into the instance of the class it was serialized from.


This process uses extra information stored in the jsonized object and handled by WithClassInfo.

continue_session staticmethod
    app_definition_json: JSON, app: Any
) -> AppDefinition

Instantiate the given app with the given state app_definition_json.


This is an experimental feature with ongoing work.


The json serialized app.



The app to continue the session with.



A new AppDefinition instance with the given app and the given app_definition_json state.

new_session staticmethod
    app_definition_json: JSON,
    initial_app_loader: Optional[Callable] = None,
) -> AppDefinition

Create an app instance at the start of a session.


This is an experimental feature with ongoing work.

Create a copy of the json serialized app with the enclosed app being initialized to its initial state before any records are produced (i.e. blank memory).

get_loadable_apps staticmethod

Gets a list of all of the loadable apps.


This is an experimental feature with ongoing work.

This is those that have initial_app_loader_dump set.

select_inputs classmethod
select_inputs() -> Lens

Get the path to the main app's call inputs.

select_outputs classmethod
select_outputs() -> Lens

Get the path to the main app's call outputs.
