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Serializable feedback-related classes.



Bases: str, Enum

Mode of feedback evaluation.

Specify this using the feedback_mode to App constructors.


This class extends str to allow users to compare its values with their string representations, i.e. in if mode == "none": .... Internal uses should use the enum instances.

NONE class-attribute instance-attribute
NONE = 'none'

No evaluation will happen even if feedback functions are specified.

WITH_APP class-attribute instance-attribute
WITH_APP = 'with_app'

Try to run feedback functions immediately and before app returns a record.

WITH_APP_THREAD class-attribute instance-attribute
WITH_APP_THREAD = 'with_app_thread'

Try to run feedback functions in the same process as the app but after it produces a record.

DEFERRED class-attribute instance-attribute
DEFERRED = 'deferred'

Evaluate later via the process started by TruSession.start_deferred_feedback_evaluator.


Bases: str, Enum

Where the feedback evaluation takes place (e.g. locally, at a Snowflake server, etc).

IN_APP class-attribute instance-attribute
IN_APP = 'in_app'

Run on the same process (or child process) of the app invocation.

SNOWFLAKE class-attribute instance-attribute
SNOWFLAKE = 'snowflake'

Run on a Snowflake server.


Bases: str, Enum

For deferred feedback evaluation, these values indicate status of evaluation.


This class extends str to allow users to compare its values with their string representations, i.e. in if status == "done": .... Internal uses should use the enum instances.

NONE class-attribute instance-attribute
NONE = 'none'

Initial value is none.

RUNNING class-attribute instance-attribute
RUNNING = 'running'

Once queued/started, status is updated to "running".

FAILED class-attribute instance-attribute
FAILED = 'failed'

Run failed.

DONE class-attribute instance-attribute
DONE = 'done'

Run completed successfully.

SKIPPED class-attribute instance-attribute
SKIPPED = 'skipped'

This feedback was skipped.

This can be because because it had an if_exists selector and did not select anything or it has a selector that did not select anything the on_missing was set to warn or ignore.


Bases: str, Enum

How to handle missing parameters in feedback function calls.

This is specifically for the case were a feedback function has a selector that selects something that does not exist in a record/app.


This class extends str to allow users to compare its values with their string representations, i.e. in if onmissing == "error": .... Internal uses should use the enum instances.

ERROR class-attribute instance-attribute
ERROR = 'error'

Raise an error if a parameter is missing.

The result status will be set to FAILED.

WARN class-attribute instance-attribute
WARN = 'warn'

Warn if a parameter is missing.

The result status will be set to SKIPPED.

IGNORE class-attribute instance-attribute
IGNORE = 'ignore'

Do nothing.

No warning or error message will be shown. The result status will be set to SKIPPED.


Bases: SerialModel

Invocations of feedback function results in one of these instances.

Note that a single Feedback instance might require more than one call.

args class-attribute instance-attribute
args: Dict[str, Optional[JSON]] = Field(

Arguments to the feedback function.

ret class-attribute instance-attribute
ret: Union[float, List[float], List[Tuple], List[Any]] = (

Return value.

meta class-attribute instance-attribute
meta: Dict[str, Any] = Field(default_factory=dict)

Any additional data a feedback function returns to display alongside its float result.

__rich_repr__() -> Result

Requirement for pretty printing using the rich package.


Bases: SerialModel

Feedback results for a single Feedback instance.

This might involve multiple feedback function calls. Typically you should not be constructing these objects yourself except for the cases where you'd like to log human feedback.


Unique identifier for this result.

TYPE: FeedbackResultID


Record over which the feedback was evaluated.

TYPE: RecordID


The id of the FeedbackDefinition which was evaluated to get this result.

TYPE: Optional[FeedbackDefinitionID]


Last timestamp involved in the evaluation.

TYPE: datetime


For deferred feedback evaluation, the status of the evaluation.

TYPE: FeedbackResultStatus


Cost of the evaluation.

TYPE: Cost


Given name of the feedback.

TYPE: str


Individual feedback function invocations.

TYPE: List[FeedbackCall]


Final result, potentially aggregating multiple calls.

TYPE: Optional[float]


Error information if there was an error.

TYPE: Optional[str]



TYPE: Optional[str]

status class-attribute instance-attribute

For deferred feedback evaluation, the status of the evaluation.

__rich_repr__() -> Result

Requirement for pretty printing using the rich package.


Bases: str, Enum

How to collect arguments for feedback function calls.

Note that this applies only to cases where selectors pick out more than one thing for feedback function arguments. This option is used for the field combinations of FeedbackDefinition and can be specified with Feedback.aggregate.

ZIP class-attribute instance-attribute
ZIP = 'zip'

Match argument values per position in produced values.


If the selector for arg1 generates values 0, 1, 2 and one for arg2 generates values "a", "b", "c", the feedback function will be called 3 times with kwargs:

  • {'arg1': 0, arg2: "a"},
  • {'arg1': 1, arg2: "b"},
  • {'arg1': 2, arg2: "c"}

If the quantities of items in the various generators do not match, the result will have only as many combinations as the generator with the fewest items as per python zip (strict mode is not used).

Note that selectors can use Lens collect() to name a single (list) value instead of multiple values.

PRODUCT class-attribute instance-attribute
PRODUCT = 'product'

Evaluate feedback on all combinations of feedback function arguments.


If the selector for arg1 generates values 0, 1 and the one for arg2 generates values "a", "b", the feedback function will be called 4 times with kwargs:

  • {'arg1': 0, arg2: "a"},
  • {'arg1': 0, arg2: "b"},
  • {'arg1': 1, arg2: "a"},
  • {'arg1': 1, arg2: "b"}

See itertools.product for more.

Note that selectors can use Lens collect() to name a single (list) value instead of multiple values.


Bases: WithClassInfo, SerialModel, Hashable

Serialized parts of a feedback function.

The non-serialized parts are in the Feedback class.

tru_class_info instance-attribute
tru_class_info: Class

Class information of this pydantic object for use in deserialization.

Using this odd key to not pollute attribute names in whatever class we mix this into. Should be the same as CLASS_INFO.

implementation class-attribute instance-attribute
implementation: Optional[Union[Function, Method]] = None

Implementation serialization.

aggregator class-attribute instance-attribute
aggregator: Optional[Union[Function, Method]] = None

Aggregator method serialization.

examples class-attribute instance-attribute
examples: Optional[List[Tuple]] = None

User supplied examples for this feedback function.

criteria class-attribute instance-attribute
criteria: Optional[str] = None

Criteria for the feedback function.

combinations class-attribute instance-attribute

Mode of combining selected values to produce arguments to each feedback function call.

if_exists class-attribute instance-attribute
if_exists: Optional[Lens] = None

Only execute the feedback function if the following selector names something that exists in a record/app.

Can use this to evaluate conditionally on presence of some calls, for example. Feedbacks skipped this way will have a status of FeedbackResultStatus.SKIPPED.

if_missing class-attribute instance-attribute

How to handle missing parameters in feedback function calls.

run_location instance-attribute

Where the feedback evaluation takes place (e.g. locally, at a Snowflake server, etc).

selectors instance-attribute
selectors: Dict[str, Lens]

Selectors; pointers into Records of where to get arguments for imp.

supplied_name class-attribute instance-attribute
supplied_name: Optional[str] = None

An optional name. Only will affect displayed tables.

higher_is_better class-attribute instance-attribute
higher_is_better: Optional[bool] = None

Feedback result magnitude interpretation.

feedback_definition_id instance-attribute
feedback_definition_id: FeedbackDefinitionID = (

Id, if not given, uniquely determined from content.

name property
name: str

Name of the feedback function.

Derived from the name of the serialized implementation function if name was not provided.

__rich_repr__() -> Result

Requirement for pretty printing using the rich package.

load staticmethod
load(obj, *args, **kwargs)

Deserialize/load this object using the class information in tru_class_info to lookup the actual class that will do the deserialization.

model_validate classmethod
model_validate(*args, **kwargs) -> Any

Deserialized a jsonized version of the app into the instance of the class it was serialized from.


This process uses extra information stored in the jsonized object and handled by WithClassInfo.