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Bases: BaseModel

Keep a given pace.

Calls to Pace.mark may block until the pace of its returns is kept to a constraint: the number of returns in the given period of time cannot exceed marks_per_second * seconds_per_period. This means the average number of returns in that period is bounded above exactly by marks_per_second.

!!! Warning: The asynchronous and synchronous methods amark and mark should not be used at the same time. That is, use either the synchronous interface or the asynchronous one, but not both.

marks_per_second class-attribute instance-attribute
marks_per_second: float = 1.0

The pace in number of mark returns per second.

seconds_per_period class-attribute instance-attribute
seconds_per_period: float = 60.0

Evaluate pace as the average over this period.

Assumes that prior to construction of this Pace instance, the period did not have any marks called. The longer this period is, the bigger burst of marks will be allowed initially and after long periods of no marks.

seconds_per_period_timedelta class-attribute instance-attribute
seconds_per_period_timedelta: timedelta = Field(
    default_factory=lambda: timedelta(seconds=60.0)

The above period as a timedelta.

mark_expirations class-attribute instance-attribute
mark_expirations: Deque[datetime] = Field(

Keep track of returns that happened in the last period seconds.

Store the datetime at which they expire (they become older than period seconds old).

max_marks instance-attribute
max_marks: int

The maximum number of marks to keep track in the above deque.

It is set to (seconds_per_period * returns_per_second) so that the average returns per second over period is no more than exactly returns_per_second.

last_mark class-attribute instance-attribute
last_mark: datetime = Field(default_factory=now)

Time of the last mark return.

amark async
amark() -> float

Return in appropriate pace.

Blocks until return can happen in the appropriate pace. Returns time in seconds since last mark returned.

mark() -> float

Return in appropriate pace.

Blocks until return can happen in the appropriate pace. Returns time in seconds since last mark returned.