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πŸ“¦ Release policies


Releases are organized in <major>.<minor>.<patch> style. A release is made about every week around tuesday-thursday. Releases increment the minor version number. Occasionally bug-fix releases occur after a weekly release. Those increment only the patch number. No releases have yet made a major version increment. Those are expected to be major releases that introduce a large number of breaking changes.


Changes to the public API are governed by a deprecation process in three stages. In the warning period of no less than 6 weeks, the use of a deprecated package, module, or value will produce a warning but otherwise operate as expected. In the subsequent deprecated period of no less than 6 weeks, the use of that component will produce an error after the deprecation message. After these two periods, the deprecated capability will be completely removed.

Deprecation process

  • 6 weeks: deprecation warning

  • 6 weeks: deprecation message and error

  • removal

Changes that result in non-backwards compatible functionality are also reflected in the version numbering. In such cases, the appropriate level version change will occur at the introduction of the warning period.

Currently deprecating features

  • Starting 1.0, the trulens_eval package is being deprecated in favor of trulens and several associated required and optional packages. See trulens_eval migration for details.

    • Warning period: 2024-09-01 (trulens-eval==1.0.1) to 2024-10-14. Backwards compatibility during the warning period is provided by the new content of the trulens_eval package which provides aliases to the features in their new locations. See trulens_eval.

    • Deprecated period: 2024-10-14 to 2025-12-01. Usage of trulens_eval will produce errors indicating deprecation.

    • Removed expected 2024-12-01 Installation of the latest version of trulens_eval will be an error itself with a message that trulens_eval is no longer maintained.