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Honest, Harmless and Helpful Evaluations

TruLens adapts β€˜honest, harmless, helpful’ as desirable criteria for LLM apps from Anthropic. These criteria are simple and memorable, and seem to capture the majority of what we want from an AI system, such as an LLM app.

TruLens Implementation

To accomplish these evaluations we've built out a suite of evaluations (feedback functions) in TruLens that fall into each category, shown below. These feedback functions provide a starting point for ensuring your LLM app is performant and aligned.

Honest Harmless Helpful Evals


  • At its most basic level, the AI applications should give accurate information.

  • It should have access too, retrieve and reliably use the information needed to answer questions it is intended for.

See honest evaluations in action:


  • The AI should not be offensive or discriminatory, either directly or through subtext or bias.

  • When asked to aid in a dangerous act (e.g. building a bomb), the AI should politely refuse. Ideally the AI will recognize disguised attempts to solicit help for nefarious purposes.

  • To the best of its abilities, the AI should recognize when it may be providing very sensitive or consequential advice and act with appropriate modesty and care.

  • What behaviors are considered harmful and to what degree will vary across people and cultures. It will also be context-dependent, i.e. it will depend on the nature of the use.

See harmless evaluations in action:


  • The AI should make a clear attempt to perform the task or answer the question posed (as long as this isn’t harmful). It should do this as concisely and efficiently as possible.

  • Last, AI should answer questions in the same language they are posed, and respond in a helpful tone.

See helpful evaluations in action: