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NeMo Guardrails Integration

TruLens provides TruRails, an integration with NeMo Guardrails apps to allow you to inspect and evaluate the internals of your application built using NeMo Guardrails. This is done through the instrumentation of key NeMo Guardrails classes. To see a list of classes instrumented, see Appendix: Instrumented Nemo Classes and Methods.

In addition to the default instrumentation, TruRails exposes the select_context method for evaluations that require access to retrieved context. Exposing select_context bypasses the need to know the json structure of your app ahead of time, and makes your evaluations reusable across different apps.

Example Usage

Below is a quick example of usage. First, we'll create a standard Nemo app.

Create a NeMo app

%%writefile config.yaml
# Adapted from NeMo-Guardrails/nemoguardrails/examples/bots/abc/config.yml
- type: general
    content: |
    Below is a conversation between a user and a bot called the trulens Bot.
    The bot is designed to answer questions about the trulens python library.
    The bot is knowledgeable about python.
    If the bot does not know the answer to a question, it truthfully says it does not know.

sample_conversation: |
user "Hi there. Can you help me with some questions I have about trulens?"
    express greeting and ask for assistance
bot express greeting and confirm and offer assistance
    "Hi there! I'm here to help answer any questions you may have about the trulens. What would you like to know?"

- type: main
    engine: openai
    model: gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct

# Adapted from NeMo-Guardrails/tests/test_configs/with_kb_openai_embeddings/
define user ask capabilities
"What can you do?"
"What can you help me with?"
"tell me what you can do"
"tell me about you"

define bot inform capabilities
"I am an AI bot that helps answer questions about trulens."

define flow
user ask capabilities
bot inform capabilities

# Create a small knowledge base from the root README file.

! mkdir -p kb
! cp ../../../../ kb

from nemoguardrails import LLMRails
from nemoguardrails import RailsConfig

config = RailsConfig.from_path(".")
rails = LLMRails(config)

To instrument an LLM chain, all that's required is to wrap it using TruChain.

Instrument a NeMo app

from trulens.apps.nemo import TruRails

# instrument with TruRails
tru_recorder = TruRails(
    app_id="my first trurails app",  # optional

To properly evaluate LLM apps we often need to point our evaluation at an internal step of our application, such as the retrieved context. Doing so allows us to evaluate for metrics including context relevance and groundedness.

For Nemo applications with a knowledge base, select_context can be used to access the retrieved text for evaluation.

Instrument a NeMo app

import numpy as np
from trulens.core import Feedback
from trulens.providers.openai import OpenAI

provider = OpenAI()

context = TruRails.select_context(rails)

f_context_relevance = (

For examples of using TruRails, check out the TruLens Cookbook

Appendix: Instrumented Nemo Classes and Methods

The modules, classes, and methods that trulens instruments can be retrieved from the appropriate Instrument subclass.


from trulens.apps.nemo import RailsInstrument


Instrumenting other classes/methods.

Additional classes and methods can be instrumented by use of the trulens.core.instruments.Instrument methods and decorators. Examples of such usage can be found in the custom app used in the custom_example.ipynb notebook which can be found in examples/expositional/end2end_apps/custom_app/ More information about these decorators can be found in the docs/trulens/tracking/instrumentation/index.ipynb notebook.

Inspecting instrumentation

The specific objects (of the above classes) and methods instrumented for a particular app can be inspected using the App.print_instrumented as exemplified in the next cell. Unlike Instrument.print_instrumentation, this function only shows what in an app was actually instrumented.

